5-Minute Catchup

Transitioning to Telehealth

Episode Summary

A foundational guide covering the required technology to adopt Telehealth in your practice.

Episode Notes

Health Direct Video Call Connect Test Page

Internet Browser
Windows - Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge Browsers
Mac - Apple Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox

Webcam & Microphone
Generally, the selection of webcams you will find from your local technology store will be more than adequate for Telehealth applications. If in doubt, make sure to ask your local retail representatives about webcams.

Computer Security
Health Direct Video Call does not require any additional programs to be installed on your computer – it runs purely on the browser. To prevent potential viruses or breaches, avoid installing unknown programs. 

In addition, the RACGP has a fantastic resource for protecting your practice.

RACGP Requirements
The RACGP guidelines excerpt was taken from the Telehealth Video Consultations Guide.

Questions? Contact us
E: practicedev@chnact.org.au
P: 6287 8099